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Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ – What are the financial benefits of
going solar?

Switching to solar allows you to no longer rely on grid electricity for power. You can save a lot of money by not needing to pay a lot every month on your electricity bill.

FAQ – What are the environmental benefits of going solar?

Solar technology uses renewable energy from the Sun, which means it doesn’t have to rely on getting power from non-renewable sources that are significantly damaging the environment.

FAQ – How do I save money with solar?

Your solar products’ energy is self-sufficient and renewable, eliminating the need to pay for  electricity the old-fashioned way. It’s an investment that will pay itself back long before the end of your products’ lifespan.

FAQ – Can solar products withstand environmental hazards?

Yes, they can! Quicklight Solar’s products are built to withstand harsh storms, sweltering heat, heavy
winds, and the wrath of the heavens. For everything else, there’s the warranty.

FAQ – How much maintenance will my solar products need?

Hardly any. Just make regular checks to make sure they’re not covered in dust and have the batteries checked in a few years to make sure they’re still performing up to par.

FAQ – How does solar power work?

When energy from the sun strikes a solar panel, the reaction inside the panels converts the solar energy into usable electric energy for your home.


FAQ – What is a Lumen and a Watt?

Lumen is a measurement of the amount of light given off by a light source. A Watt is the amount of energy needed to produce light. A product that can produce more lumen using fewer watts is more efficient.

FAQ – How long will my Solar products last?

Quicklight Solar’s solar products can last up to 25-30 years. But with the continuing advancements in solar technology, our future products may be capable of lasting even longer.


FAQ – What are the parts of a solar light fixture?

There are 3 basic parts: the solar panel to absorb solar energy, the batteries to store the energy, and the light source to emit light.


FAQ – How different are solar lights from other types of lights?

Solar lights use renewable energy and are not connected to a grid. In particular, solar LED lights are also more efficient in lumen per watts and are better at distributing light over a certain area. They also do not produce as much light pollution due to less light leakage.

FAQ – Isn’t solar expensive?

Quite the contrary! Solar is actually getting relatively more and more affordable as the technology progresses and manufacturing efficiency goes up while the production cost goes down. There’s never been a better time to invest in solar!

FAQ – Will my solar panels work during cloudy weather?

Yes! Solar panels will still absorb what little sunlight there is during the daytime, regardless of weather conditions. Direct sunlight is still the most optimal, but you should still get a substantial amount of energy throughout the day.